
The primary purpose of the PAC is to influence the election of local, state, and national candidates who will best support and promote progressive policies.

The PAC sends surveys to non-judicial candidates asking for their views about issues of concern to us. We also obtain insight about candidates from additional information they and other trusted sources provide, publicly available information, and our personal knowledge or relationship with a candidate.

When making a decision about an endorsement, we consider whether a candidate’s past and current positions support the business and social interests of Replacements, Ltd. (which includes but is not limited to LGBTQ+ Rights, Immigrant and Refugee Inclusion, Sensible Gun Laws, Health, Environmental Stewardship, Good Government & Campaign Finance, and Education), whether a candidate’s qualities and activities are in line with our core values, and whether the candidate is strategically viable. After compiling and evaluating all information, we publish a Voter Guide for those interested.

Chair – Bob Page | Treasurer – Andrew Spainhour

PO Box 26029, GSO, NC 27420 336-697-3000

Email: socialimpact@replacements.com
